IR Library



Global IR is a research company that conveys the essence of companies to investors around the world, reporting the information necessary for investment decisions from the "investor's point of view" rather than the "company's point of view". The reports contain everything that investors want to know, and we believe that it is meaningful not only for institutional investors but also for many individual investors.

The reports were prepared by Global IR at our request, but are based on research and analysis from a third-party perspective by an analyst with a high level of knowledge in the electronics industry to which we belongs. Therefore, we believe that it will serve as a reference for investment decisions for investors who wish to understand the business structure from a medium- to long-term perspective.

The reports describe not only our performance trends, but also our industrial structure and competitive relationships, and accurately expresses our business and future prospects. We believe that investors will be able to understand the true nature of Macnica Holdings by reading the reports.

Global IR, Inc.

This website contains forward-looking statements about the Group business performance. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve both risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements.

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